The A level course consists of one coursework unit and an externally set exam unit. The coursework unit is designed to build on skills and knowledge gained at GCSE level, and to extend these into new areas and to a much higher standard. The course is teacher-directed initially, but as the course develops students take on increased responsibility for the direction and progress of their work.The coursework unit contains a separate written element, consisting of an essay investigating artists and art works linked to the student’s practical work.
For the externally set exam unit students select one question from the exam paper and develop a practical creative response. This is self-directed, and demonstrates the student’s level of skill in a chosen range of media. The department organises a series of visits to galleries and aims to introduce students to ways of working outside the classroom environment. Every year there is a gallery trip to either Paris, Barcelona or London which students are expected to take part in, which is designed to enhance skills and contextual understanding.
A thirst for experiencing and engaging with the Arts is vital if students are to develop their skills and understanding, and we expect students to be open and enthusiastic towards any experiences that might develop their knowledge and experience of the world around them, and the Arts in particular.
Students who are well-motivated and capable of independent thought. It is beneficial, though not essential, for students to be studying other visual, creative and expressive subjects.
A-Level Art is acceptable as an A-Level for most university courses. Many students go on to study some aspect of Art and Design at foundation level, before progressing to a degree in areas such as: Architecture, Fashion, Television, Film, Photography, Animation, Graphic Design, Theatre Design, Art History, Museum work, Illustration and Advertising etc.